Daily videos[03.20.10] "Black soshi" storm into Music Core ~~

Yesterday when the girls performed their follow up song "Run Devil Run" on Music Core,it marked the 1st day of their promotion of repackage album.
And today,is Music Core~
Today outfit colour was no longer white,but black !
Is the same outfit they had for their MV~~
As usual,the girls are awesome ^^
Especially Seohyun..I'm sure everyone had noticed that her singing has become more powerful as compared to the past.
Now let's have a look on their performance on today's Music Core and also other various artists performance too ^^

SNSD "Run Devil Run"

video credit to SmoothyEco01

T-ara "I go crazy because of you"

video credit to MllkteaXD

2am "I did wrong"

video credit to KPOPFANBRS1

Kara "Lupin" Special stage

video credit to withkara3

Beast "Shock"

video credit to 100mint2

Tomorrow SNSD will be performing in SBS Inkigayo ^^
So guys,stay tune alright ~

Fanstaengoo @ snsd-life.blogspot


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