Daily NEWS[03.22.10] SNSD Yoona transformed into charming mustache guy!

SNSD Yoona,1st time challenged to disguise as a men in programme broadcast.During the recording of SBS Family Outing season 2,Yoona wore a black suit and disguised herself as a guy.

On this day during the recording at the village,in order to fulfill the chief village request "Plum Blossom Festival advertisement",they held a competition "Miss & Mr Plum election".The family members decided that the female will disguise as guys while the male will disguise as girls,and show their personal talents.

Yoona transformed herself from a beautiful and cute young lady to a young handsome guy,and performed ShinHwa "Wild Eyes",and perfectly performed the tough "Chair Dance".Then when introducing herself,she said:" I'm preparing myself well for military training", caused the crowd to burst out into laughter.

Yoona being chosen as the representative of the village for the "Plum Blossom Festival advertisement" because of her handsome look,and more will be revealed on latest "Family Outing season 2".



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